Massage “Peanut Ball”

Happy Independence Day and Self Care Saturday! I’ve been focused on dealing with a lot of 💩 that hit the fan all at once in the past few weeks, so I haven’t been making any content. Today I decided I wanted to shift gears and play with a DIY video I’ve been wanting to make for you for ages, while baking strawberry bread and observing my tradition of watching Independence Day. It was fun! I hope you all had a great day too! 😁🎆🎇✨

Self massage is a great addition to your self care routine, and I love my “Peanut Ball!” It’s the cheapest tool I have, and it’s easy to make. You will need: 2 balls and a sock. I like tennis balls, but for more intense pressure you can use lacrosse balls.

🥎Stuff the balls down into the end of the sock.
🥎Make sure they’re all the way to the toe.
🥎Tie the sock in a knot.
🥎Adjust the knot so the sock feels tight, and the balls can’t roll apart at all.
🥎Cut off the excess if you want to, and now you have a peanut ball for massage!

I roll on mine every day! I work my glutes, legs, shoulders, and whatever else feels tight, but it’s the BEST for those long, ropy erector muscles on both sides of the spine and the suboccipital muscles at the base of the skull. That’s why the balls need to be tight against each other, so they’re stable and don’t shift around under you. Start at the base of the spine, with one ball on either side of the spine and the spinous processes (the bony part of the spine that sticks out) in the groove between the balls. Roll your body on top of the peanut all the way to your head.

Just like using a foam roller, if the pressure is too intense, use your arms and legs to lift yourself so your full weight isn’t pressing onto the balls. When you find a tight or sore area, pause and take deep breaths while the muscles release and relax. If you feel a sudden, sharp pain, stop. Don’t use it directly on the spine. Text me if you have questions!

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