Happy Self Care Saturday! There is no shortage of things to worry and stress about these days, especially this past week, so this quote really resonated with me! I know a lot of people are really worn down at this point, whether you’re celebrating today’s news or not. I keep seeing posts on Instagram from mental health professionals and coaches I follow, urging people to take time to care for themselves and unplug, especially right now. A common theme is taking a break from the news and social media, which is advice I follow on a regular basis now. The chaos will still be there when you tune back in, so you might as well tune it out for a bit, before you lose it!

When I’m really feeling burned out, I’ll silence my phone and leave it alone all day. This used to freak me out, but I decided the odds of an emergency were really low, and that’s what first responders are for! We have to prioritize our mental health too. I know this is much harder for folks with dependents, but maybe you can find someone to back you up so you can take a day off. We survived before cell phones, so maybe pretending you don’t have one now and again isn’t going to hurt, and it might really help! Now that I’m used to it, I can actually ignore the phone all day, and then check to make sure I got no emergency calls at the end of the day. Then when I “plug back in,” I’m less stressed and uptight, so things don’t look as bad, and I’m much nicer to talk to!

Between school, work, pandemic, election season, etc., I’m looking forward to recharging tomorrow! I hope you’re making time for self care too!