Essential Oil Safety for Pets

Essential Oil Safety for Pets

Recently a client was asking me about the safety of pets when diffusing essential oils. I have done some research on my own on the subject since taking my classes in Aromatherapy and Essential Oils (none of which addressed pet safety).  I’ve come across lists of oils toxic to pets, especially cats, but they’re not all exactly the same. I’m not a Vet, Doctor, or Certified Aromatherapist, and I recommend doing some research and consulting your Vet before using essential oils in the home if you want to be sure you’re keeping your pets safe.

Essential Oils can be highly beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical wellness, but they should be used with caution, especially around pets, children, babies, pregnant women, people with terminal illnesses, undergoing radiotherapy treatment, or dealing with substance or alcohol abuse. Additionally, not all Essential Oils are created equally.  You should know how the oils you choose are made: from how the plants they are made from are grown and treated for pests, to which process is used to create the essential oils, and whether they are diluted with anything.  I use Young Living, with its Seed to Seal Process, so I trust them and know they are high quality.  Knowing they are high quality means they are effective, and a little goes a long way, so I’m careful when using them at home around my pets.  You can start your pet research with these articles:…/latest-home-trend-harmful-your-pets…

In a nutshell, both cats and dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than humans, and they weigh a lot less, so the safe amount of essential oils you would use for them would be significantly less than you would use for yourself (this also applies to children and infants). Even for an adult human, the amount of essential oil used depends on the specific essential oil used and the application method.  If you have cats you’ll want to be especially careful because they don’t produce an enzyme in their liver necessary to metabolize certain essential oils, causing a dangerous toxic buildup that can go unnoticed until it becomes fatal. I stopped diffusing at home when I learned about this, because my oils of choice are all on these lists.

Instead, I use my essential oils topically or orally.  If you want to take your essential oils orally, be careful to only use those oils that are safe to consume.  Young Living’s Vitality line are all safe to consume in various ways, such as mixed with food, put in a capsule with a carrier oil and swallowed, or added to your water bottle to drink all day.  For topical application, the amount used and amount of carrier oil, if any, used varies depending on the essential oil, so please use caution and find out the proper ratios.  I use Young Living’s Reference Book to determine which oils to use for different needs/symptoms, how to use them, and how much I need to use.  Feel free to text me and ask how to use your oils at home!

  • Fur Babies Essential Oil Safety
  • Essential Oils Cats
  • Essential Oils and Pets
  • Essential Oils and Cat Safety

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